Which Social Media Platforms Should You Use for Your Business?

COVID-19 highlighted more than ever the importance of evolving with the times; a strong digital presence can be the make or break of your business.

Social media marketing plays an incredibly important role in this. Whether you’re looking to hyper-target specific users with ads, grow general awareness of your brand, drive quality traffic to your site or all of the above, social media is an incredibly valuable tool within your marketing arsenal.

With the ever-growing number of social media platforms, and each one of them constantly evolving, it can be hard to know which social media platform is best for marketing your business. It is for this reason that we’ve gathered some relevant facts and figures that will help you to understand the demographics, benefits and potential downfalls of each platform. And, if you decide to use them, some tips and tricks that may help you to maximise your success!

Want to know more about how we can help you? Learn more about social media management and why it’s essential for your business to stay relevant here.

Choosing The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business


Facebook is largely considered the ideal platform for reaching a wide audience, with it’s humongous user base spanning across a vast array of demographics. It’s granular targeting options also means you can serve ads to users with niche interests, or specific user behaviours.

  • Facebook has 2.91 billion monthly active users
  • 36.8% of the world’s population use Facebook monthly
  • Despite Facebook’s reputation as a platform with an older audience, users ages 25-34 represent Facebook’s largest demographic
  • 26.4% of Facebook’s user base is made up of millennials. That said, 36% of Facebook’s audience are 45 or older.
  • 98% of Facebook users access the app via mobile
  • 70% of users visit the platform daily, with 49% checking Facebook “several times per day”
  • The average Facebook user spends 33 minutes per day on the platform
  • Two-thirds of adult users consume news through Facebook
  • Facebook’s new user growth rate is the second-lowest of all social platforms (only 0.8% in 2021) This is perhaps the most worrying statistic – accompanied by the rapid growth of TikTok, it illustrates that younger users are generating a shift in the social media landscape
  • However, Facebook is still the most-used social media platform among marketers.
  • Facebook has over 10 million active advertisers
  • The platform accounts for over 25% of all digital ad spending, right behind Google (28.9%) and surpassing Amazon (10.3%) – your competitors are most likely advertising on Facebook!


Instagram is a video and photo-sharing platform that has experienced a huge amount of growth and evolution in the past 12 months. It’s creator focussed tools and updates to make paid partnerships as easy as possible make it the ideal platform for influencer marketing, as well as the place to share engaging visual content to increase brand awareness.



Twitter is a social networking service; the ideal place to generate discussion and converse with potential consumers. Users are also in a unique mindset when browsing this platform compared to others. As they often go to the platform for informative, rather than entertaining content, it is thought that its audience is more receptive.



Pinterest is widely used by people looking to find inspiration for their projects, interests and hobbies. Whilst it may not be the first platform that comes to mind when thinking about your social media strategy, it holds a lot of potential for advertisers.

  • The platform has a predominantly female user base (71%) but its male audience continues to grow
  • 82% of users access Pinterest on mobile
  • 85% of Pinners say they use Pinterest to help them plan new projects
  • People who use the platform on a weekly basis are 2.2x more likely to say it’s the most influential platform in their purchase journey compared to other social media platforms.
  • 75% of weekly Pinterest users say they’re ‘always shopping’
  •  70% of users claim that Pinterest is where they go to find new products, ideas or services they can trust.
  • Shopping ads on Pinterest drive 3x the conversions and 2x the return on ad spend versus competing social platforms.


Linkedin is a professional networking site, perfect for reaching higher-income individuals. The ability to target based on job title, industry, location, level of education and more makes it the ideal platform for B2B and lead generation.


Optimised for short-form video content, TikTok has seen overwhelming growth and popularity with younger generations in the past few years.

Ready to start your growth journey? Contact us today and see how we can help you.