Why does Morson (MORS) rank so well on the Embryo Index?

Morson Group is an international recruiting expert – with headquarters in Salford – that employs around 750 staff. The business is led by Ged Mason OBE, who has been in charge of the group’s strategy since 2005. Morson is a big kahuna.

It is no wonder, then, that Morson (Embryo Index code of MORS) ranks so well on the Embryo Index with an excellent score of 1883.31 at the time of writing.

But what are the reasons that Morson stands out as a marketing leader in the Greater Manchester area?

Press Score – Like the vast majority of leaders in the Embryo Index, Morson has an excellent command of the local press, working very well with various publications to ensure that their activities and updates are posted at regular intervals. Their score of 100 out of 100 shows just how well they do here.

Web Authority, Links, Traffic, and Keyword Reach – The Morson site has some of the very best inbound links of all companies within the index. Their sponsorship of Sale Sharks has resulted in an excellent link to name just one, with many highly esteemed websites such as Women in Rail and Association of Proposal Management also linking.

Morson’s work with charities, sporting sponsorships, involvement with recruitment-related bodies, and appreciation from other large companies means that the ‘juice’ that the website receives will ensure a strong web presence for a long time to come. Scores are as follows:

  • Web Authority Score (56)
  • Keyword Reach Score (100)
  • Traffic Score (100)
  • Inbound Link Score (58)

Establishment Score – Morson enjoys one of the best ‘Establishment Scores’ in the index (45/100), which shows that education and government institutions hold the company in high regard.

Morson is also very strong in terms of how they use thought leadership, sponsorship, seminars & events, charity work, and networking proficiency. Their combined ‘On the Street‘ Score is 33/100, which is one of the very highest in the index.


In terms of trophies that Morson have won, highlights include ‘Social Media Power User’, ‘Staying Power’ (Morson is now 50 years old), member of the ‘1000+ Club’, and the ‘Publisher’ trophy.


Morson is very adept at understanding which marketing channels carry the most weight, they know how to work with the local press publications, understand the power of content, and use sponsorship in some of the best ways that I have seen.

Whilst Morson is an international brand, it seems to understand the power of international, national, AND local branding/marketing in the city where it is headquartered. Many businesses lose touch with the location that they formed in, but Morson has kept its feet on the ground in this respect, which is not only a nice thing, but a good thing for the city. It’s good in terms of employment for people in the area, but to also have a flagship company that the area can be proud of.