Your Social Media Content Might Be Annoying Your Audience

As a marketer, especially when working in a fast-paced social media marketing agency, it’s easy to think that every piece of social media content created is great! And while I wish this were true, the (unfortunate) reality is that, unless we create content the right way, it will most likely do more harm than good to your audience.

It is crucial for any brand wanting to succeed on social media to understand what it is their target audience wants to see. Adobe recently conducted a study of 1,000 consumers to discover specifically what annoys them about brands, so if you’re finding you don’t actually know that much about your audience, this could be a good place for you to start.

Do you want to keep your social media audience happy? If so, make sure you do your best to avoid the following common mistakes!

Consumers can get easily annoyed at content which is not personalised.

From this data, it is clear that users on social media prefer content which is contextual and matters to them. If you can make sure that your content relates to a user’s specific personal situation, then you’re onto a winner. As always, it’s crucial to create content with your audience at the forefront of your mind.

The majority of users are annoyed at content which is too personalised.

On the other hand, don’t overstep your boundaries. Personalisation is key to marketing to your audience, but too much is simply too much. It’s important to be personal, but it is even more important to stay relevant, and if your audience feels you’re crossing the line with their data, it will hinder, rather than help you engage users.

39% of consumers get annoyed at poorly written content.

Always keep in mind that content which is too wordy or poorly written is an instant turnoff to your audience. Poor quality content can make you look unprofessional, while content that’s trying too hard might miss the point. Always be clear in your copy, not confusing.

If you’re struggling to engage your audience on social media, and want to find out how you can get the best from your social media marketing, contact our social media team at [email protected] or call us on 0161 327 2635. Alternatively, you can send us a message through our contact page.