How to get the most from your social media video!


With TikTok being this year’s most downloaded app, Instagram launching Reels and Twitter launching Fleets, Video content is everywhere on social media, and it’s clear to see why.

The average person watches 16 hours per week of video content online. Whether it’s live streams, Reels or stories, it’s one of the most popular ways for people and businesses to share content, and most social platforms now offer some form of video content.


But before you launch your video marketing campaign, there are a few things to consider if you want to make the most of your content.


Firstly you will need to consider who your video is for. Video content is great for creating brand awareness, sharing your new product or service with a brand new audience. It allows businesses to tell a story about their brand. 


When introducing a new audience to your business, you need to create content that is informative, exciting and meaningful to your target audience. In doing this, your video will be more likely to be remembered and you’re more likely to gain a new customer further down the line.


As well as considering who you’re targeting, it’s important to think about what your video will include. Take a look at past content. What works and what doesn’t. Using past data and knowledge of your audience and their interests is key to getting the best possible content in front of your audience.

If you notice your comment section if full of recurring questions or themes, use them to inform your video plan. Or if you see that a certain style of Instagram post has a much higher engagement rate, you’re likely to get better engagement on your video if it follows a similar style.


When creating video content, it’s important to remember your goals. Your call to action should be clear in the video so the viewer knows the next steps to take and more importantly, they should be relevant to the position of the audience in your marketing funnel. For example, If you’ve created a brand awareness video, avoid using ‘buy now’ or ‘contact us’. As this is a brand new ‘cold’ audience, the chances are that they’re not going to be ready to convert just yet. Instead, you should opt for a ‘learn more’ or ‘visit our website’ CTA to encourage the viewer to engage with your business.


Something else to consider when including your CTA, is the fact that you can expect to lose 20% of your audience during the first 10 seconds of video, so don’t wait until the end to show it. 


The same applies to the video as a whole. In order to get the most out of your video, you have to use the first few seconds of your social media video wisely you should include the key information within the first 10 seconds of your video. By doing this, you are able to grab the attention of the viewer straight away.


Once your video is live, to make the most of the content, recycle it. A 30-second video can be split into shorter videos, gifs, story, infographics or even just a new image. These can be shared creatively, across your social media channels in order to further push your message.


You know your audience and you know your business, creating a video is a great way to showcase your business in a way that is memorable and meaningful to your audience. If you need advice on how to reach your audience through social media, get in touch with us today!