2020 – The year of lockdown, banana bread, Houseparty and now our rebrand!

Wow! What a year it’s been right? 

I’m sure we all toasted 2020 at midnight, with a glass of something, made some ridiculous new year resolutions and promised ourselves that 2020 was going to be THE year right?

Who would have known that a mere few weeks later, we would be glued to our TVs, watching Boris and his sidekicks reveal the dangers of Covid-19? That our lives would be subjected to drastic changes and we would plummet into one of the worst recessions seen in recent times. 

With the changes to the way we live (remember downloading Houseparty?) businesses suffering and families torn apart, now, approaching the end of the ‘Year of the Lockdown’, we need to celebrate the wins we have all witnessed. 

A growing shared sense of community, celebrating small businesses, reconnecting with friends and family, we should, more than anything, focus on what we have achieved and learnt. So here is my not-so-humble approach to celebrate Embryo and what we have achieved together this year!

Don’t tell them I said this, but I’d be shit without them

Now – I didn’t learn how to make ‘banana bread’ but I did learn more about my team – the backbone of Embryo. As Steve Jobs once quoted “great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people”. And to be quite blunt, I’d be shit without them. 

Embryo is the team we have in place. Without the team, we wouldn’t be where we are now. And that, in itself, deserves a mention. So, without going too soppy and giving them another reason to take the piss out of me, thank you! You have all grafted harder than ever this year, servicing our clients, working together and most recently, sharing the vision as a unit to achieve the rebrand.

Creativity is thinking of new things. Innovation is doing new things.

Embryo initially started as a one-man-band. For the first 6 months, I didn’t even have a website myself but still managed to sell digital marketing and ironically, website builds! 5 years on, we are now a team of 30. Having evolved over the years, it felt right to relaunch our brand. Ultimately, digital marketing has evolved and we have had to evolve with it.  

With changes to how we shop, sell and ultimately live, brands have had to change their strategies and adapt to the needs of today’s consumer. With this in mind, we too have had to grow, re-group and realign our approach. And like any business, we have to lead from the front and practice what we preach. Our new brand reflects who we are today and our vision for tomorrow. 

We’re young, ambitious and dynamic. Our creativity makes us stronger. Our skills make us smarter. 

The new Embryo brand represents our skills whilst also showcasing who we work with and who we plan to work with moving forward. 


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads

With over 100 clients serviced this year, 11 new hires (9 of which were done during lockdown), the plan is to hit 2021 even harder. We are not going to lie low. We are not going to plod along.

Watch this space.