A Month In The Life Of A Brand-New Content Executive

Life as a remote worker (a posh word for working in your trackies till, at best, 11am) ended as I knew it on 9th March.

I was now having to get up(!), commute(!!) and speak to human people face to face (!!!). All jokes aside, it was amazing to wake up on a bright, sunny Monday morning (a rarity in Manchester) and begin an exciting new challenge at the creme de la creme of SEO agencies.

My previous experience as a copywriter in Birmingham, pronounced Burrrrmingum by anyone outside of the West Midlands, put me in good stead to help create content, blogs, SEO and maybe lend a hand with PPC copy

There were many new and immediate challenges that I was to face in my first few hours/days/weeks but these challenges were the reason I joined Embryo, I needed to get back out of my comfort zone, I found myself coasting, taking the easy option and I didn’t want to do that anymore. 

The first one being the new style of content writing. I went from writing short, punchy 200/300 words for consumers looking for a bite to eat to creating 1000, 2000, 2500 word pieces about the most specific of topics – salary guides, blogs about Alicante Airport and NHS Commissioning – you name it I’ve written about it. 

Doing these long-form pieces of content whether it be blogs or web content is one of the reasons why Embryo is so successful and was a big reason for me joining up with them. Learning about how effective they are and becoming more and more familiar with the tools that they use has been a real highlight for me in the past few weeks (at time of writing I’ve been at Embryo for just over 3 weeks).

As well as the increase in length there was a research aspect that as a Padawan Copywriter wasn’t something in my wheelhouse but now as a Jedi Content Executive (yes, I did just refer to myself as a Jedi, I’m VERY humble), each task requires a portion of research in order to help write informative, educational content that helps Embryo’s clients boost their web presence and become more Google-friendly

And finally, a third and final learning curve I’ve enjoyed is the account managing elements of the Content Executive role. I’m liaising with our amazing clients on the regular, sending them content and generally just building a relationship to a point where (I hope at least) they feel comfortable enough to discuss their wants and needs with regards to their content. It’s been fun to get out my writing bubble and speak with the people who I am actually writing for, I think it makes the average writer work that little bit harder.

So, there you have it, a whistle-stop tour of what it has been like and what it might be like for you if you ever find yourself in a new Content Executive role, at Embryo Digital or anywhere else in Manchester, Liverpool, England or Wales.

It’s hectic, fast-paced and we wouldn’t have it any other way.