Embryo Joins Manchester Digital

As a leading Digital Agency in Manchester known for our search marketing services such as SEO, PPC and amongst many more, we decided to get involved with Manchester Digital. Manchester Digital partner with the regions most progressive digital and technology businesses in order to create the optimum environment for them to succeed. The Manchester Digital community offer a wide range of events, training and leadership, news, as well as publish any newly available jobs within the industry.


Their primary goals are:

  • Support and accelerate the growth of Manchester’s digital and tech business
  • Develop and diversify the region’s talent pool
  • Ensure that businesses within the region have a voice at a national level


Upcoming industry events:


Digital Her

Not only do they offer a community for Manchester digital companies but they also operate a Digital Her programme which helps to promote young girls in local schools learn about the industry and speak to women working in tech and digital roles within Manchester. I have recently joined this programme to get involved with these events to support and promote the fascinating roles there are out there for all females to get involved with.

The mission of this programme is simple… It is to inspire and empower girls to:

  1. Have the confidence and interest to explore the opportunities within the industry.
  2. Take interest in STEM-related GCSE subjects.


How do they work to achieve these goals?

  • They provide the opportunity for girls in education to be Introduced to real role models and visible mentors from within their Digital Her membership at events throughout the year.
  • They ensure that key influencers such as teachers, careers advisors, and parents are informed and able to offer support and advise girls interested in digital and tech.
  • Taking Digital Her across all of Greater Manchester in the Digital Her: Inspire and Empower Roadshow.
  • Lobbying policymakers to make changes that will end any bias inherent within the education and careers service.
  • Creating exciting opportunities that will upskill the next generation and bring them closer to the industry.


As you can see, this is such a great programme to support and if anyone out there is currently interested in exploring the digital and tech industry, check out some of the positions we have available on our website today! Or email your C.V and the position you are interested in directly to me at [email protected].