Entering The World of SEO

Firstly, let me introduce myself.

My name is Aaron and I am Embryo Digital’s newest Search Engine Optimisation Executive. I am originally from Jersey, and for the many people who don’t even know where or what jersey is, it is a small island in between the United Kingdom and France. I have recently graduated from Northumbria University, with a degree in Business with Entrepreneurship. Taking the big move from the small island to a new and big city, was a life-changing experience (for the better!).

Digital Marketing Journey

Whilst studying at university, I was given the opportunity to work with a local-based digital marketing firm. It is here where I discovered my passion for this newfound topic/world. I started off in digital marketing by working on social media. After the 3 years of learning social media marketing and graduating from university, I was lucky enough to come across an exciting position at Embryo Digital in an SEO Executive role.

I am on my first week, and already I have learned so much from all the guys. The main topics within search engine optimisation I have learned so far are:

All in all, my first week in SEO has been a great experience, I have learned more in this first week than I ever imagined, so thank you to everyone at Embryo Digital who has helped me. The reason I find SEO so exciting is how you can organically help a clients business rapidly grow resulting in more traffic/conversions for the businesses. Going forward I am most excited to learn more about link building and understanding more about how you can help a clients business ‘boom’. There’s nothing that makes me happier than seeing businesses succeed!