Get To Know The Content Team

One of the best things about Embryo is its’ people, so we’ve decided to start a series of team-based blog posts so you can get to know our team a little better. We’re starting with our lovely content team, which include Thom, Kara and Hannah.


What Have You Learnt Since You Started Here, And What Has Been The Most Useful Lesson?

‘’Every client is different. To write the best content you can, you need to have a very clear idea of what makes your client unique. There’s always something that stands out and your job as a content writer is to convince the audience that they need your client and no-one else.’’ 

What Has Been Your Favourite Client To Work On Since You Started Working Here, Why, And What Have You Done For Them?

‘’I love writing for Catering Yorkshire. They were one of the first clients that I was given to work on. I’ve really enjoyed helping to define their tone of voice and create content for their website all the while watching them grow!’’

Why Do You Like Working In Content?

‘’I enjoy working with language and finding new ways to express what’s in my head. Also, being able to help a business define their tone and communicate with their audience is both a challenge and a pleasure.’’ 

What’s Been Your Best Memory Since Starting At Embryo?

‘’I’m also doing an apprenticeship, so when I passed an exam a few months ago, everyone was genuinely really pleased for me. It was early in my time at Embryo, and coming back into the office after passing was a nice moment!’’ 

What Do You Think Is The Best Thing About Working Here?

‘’Everyone pulls together. I know that if I need a hand with something, people will help out. Nobody grumbles when asked a favour, because everyone is in it together.’’ 

What Advice Do You Have For Content Writers Just Starting Out?

‘’I’d recommend finding any and every opportunity to write as much as you can. Like anything else, writing takes work and the more you write, the more tricks you’ll add to your sleeve. Also, start taking note of the copy you see in advertising. There’s a lot out there that you can learn from.’’



What Have You Learnt Since You Started Here, And What Has Been The Most Useful Lesson?

‘’I’ve learned so much since I’ve been here, and considering when I started over 8 months I was a new grad, it has been an amazing place to have my first job! I’ve gained a really broad understanding about SEO, which has been really great for my writing too!’’

What Has Been Your Favourite Client To Work On Since You Started Working Here, Why, And What Have You Done For Them?

‘’I’d say probably our aesthetics clients – I love learning about the ways they can help people and the whole philosophy behind aesthetic medicine. It’s nice that many of our aesthetics companies are also very ethically-focused as well. I’ve done lots of work for aesthetics clients, writing long-form pages for websites and getting really in-depth about different treatments and how they work.’’

Why Do You Like Working In Content?

‘’I love getting my teeth into a new subject. As content writers, we get to dive deeply into a subject and learn so much about so many different things.’’

What’s Been Your Best Memory Since Starting At Embryo?

‘’It’s definitely been the socials! It’s really nice to blow off some steam as a team and spend time outside of work with a group of people that are so much fun!’’

What Do You Think Is The Best Thing About Working Here?

‘’The team! We have such a great time, and we all work so hard to help and support each other, and we have so much fun together!’’

What Advice Do You Have For Content Writers Just Starting Out?

‘’Research, research, research! And be open to working on new topics and subjects that you never thought you’d be interested in.’’



What Have You Learnt Since You Started Here, And What Has Been The Most Useful Lesson?

‘’I’ve certainly learnt a lot the past 19 months, especially with all of the great training sessions we’re given. I’ve learnt better ways of writing for SEO. I’ve learnt about various industries and how to engage with their audiences. I’ve learnt how to be a manager and how to deal with the various situations that that entails. I feel like I’m always learning, and that’s always a good thing.’’

What Has Been Your Favourite Client To Work On Since You Started Working Here, Why, And What Have You Done For Them?

‘’That’s a tough choice, because, genuinely – there have been, and are, a lot of great ones. If I had to pick, I’d say our psychic-based client, because not only are they lovely and always happy to help with information requests, but it’s given me the opportunity to deep-dive into an industry I didn’t know an awful lot about, but have come to find extremely fascinating. So far, I’ve written blog posts, website content and a 20,000 word piece on the history of psychics – did you know that countries including Egypt, China, North Africa and India all claim to be the birthplace of the Tarot cards?’’

Why Do You Like Working In Content?

‘’I like every aspect of it. I like creating research-based strategy documents that include recommendations. I like talking to, and meeting with clients to discuss their business, and ideas for content. I like writing content, and seeing it go online to help convert potential clients. There’s so much to like and I feel lucky to like what I do.’’

What’s Been Your Best Memory Since Starting At Embryo?

‘’Being made Head of Content. I’ve had that goal since leaving uni, and I wanted to achieve that by the time I was 26. It was a great feeling of accomplishment when I got that promotion.’’

What Do You Think Is The Best Thing About Working Here?

‘’The team’s ability and mindset. The team are not only supportive and just generally really lovely people, but they’re also talented and great at what they do. We have lightning in a bottle here at Embryo.’’

What Advice Do You Have For Content Writers Just Starting Out?

‘’Be prepared to work hard and show your love of writing, providing every potential employer with exceptional examples of your work. When you’re finally given your first job, go at it with full force – show every client how valuable you are, show your team why they need you and never stop developing your technique. Read lots. Write lots. Do lots. Your future self will thank you.’’

And that’s our content team. To learn more about them, and our content marketing services in general, please give us a call today today on 0161 327 2635. We look forward to speaking with you.