Google Launch Their Own Podcast: ‘Search Off The Record’

We all know that podcasts are amazing and that most ‘modern’ brands that understand digital marketing and search marketing have one or take part in them. However, there is in fact a shortage of podcasters in the corporate tech world.

For whatever reason – perhaps it was the news of the new Joe Rogan’s Spotify deal – Google has launched their own podcast named ‘Search Off The Record’.

Google’s John Mueller, Martin Splitt, and Gary Illyes are teaming up to present a “mixed bag” of content and have promised undocumented information to be released regarding Google and it’s search algorithms in their new podcasts.

Is it worth listening to?

Mueller has explicitly stated that they will be releasing information they have never released before – so, that should answer the question. YES!

If you have any form of interest – professional or personal – in Google and their algorithms, then I’m sure you will find some enjoyment in their new podcast.

For example, some episodes will contain background information on the decision-making process behind launches.

The Google Search team will also share information about upcoming projects they’re currently working on.

What’s it about?

Google has introduced this new podcast as:

“This is a new podcast series that we’re trying out to try to give some behind the scenes insights into what goes on at Google when it comes to search and the communications around search.

Our goal is not to be another source of documentation, but rather to just give some background information on what’s on our minds.”

Martin Splitt added:

“So in this podcast we are trying to share a little bit with everyone who is interested in what we are thinking and working on, and what happens before things become public.

So, like, little bits and pieces from our daily work as well as things we discover at events and on Twitter. A mixed bag, really.”

If you’re interested – take a look at the podcast here.