National Holidays: Should they be part of your Social Media Strategy

National holidays are a great way to either bulk out or add to your already existing content calendar, especially if you may be struggling for content on any given month. However with this in mind, you will need to distinguish your brand values first before you think about getting involved with a holiday. For example, any meat brands that don’t offer any plant-based alternatives should ideally not get involved in both Veganuary and world vegan day as it is not in line with their brand nor the core values due to the fact they don’t offer anything that is vegan related.

If you need help either creating your brand values or to ensure you have the correct order of importance for your existing ones that align with your business, read our blog that explains all about core values and examples of well-known brands to help you create yours.

National Holiday Calander 2022


1st: New Year’s Day

1st-31st: Veganuary

15th: National Hat Day

20th: Cheese Lovers Day

24th: National Compliment Day

25th: National Opposite Day

28th: Data Privacy Day


1st-28th: Black History Month

4th: World Cancer Day

9th: National Pizza Day

12th: Chinese New Year

13th: World Radio Day

14th: Valentine’s Day

17th: Random Act Of Kindness Day

20th: Love Your Pet Day


1st: Shrove Tuesday

3rd: World Wildlife Day

4th: National Grammar Day

4th: National Employee Appreciation Day

7th: National Cereal Day

8th: International Women’s Day

10th: National Pack Your Lunch Day

15th: National Napping Day

17th: St. Patrick’s Day

18th: National Awkward Moments Day

19th: World Sleep Day

19th: Red Nose Day

20th: International Day Of Happiness

20th: World Storytelling Day

20th: First Day Of Spring

21st: World Poetry Day

23rd: National Puppy Day


1st-30th: National Stress Awareness Month

1st: April Fools Day

2nd: World Autism Awareness Day

5th: World Health Day

6th: National Walking Day

10th: National Siblings Day

11th: National Pet Day

15th: National Tax Day

16th: National Stress Awareness Day

16th: National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day

21st: National Administrative Professionals Day

22nd: Earth Day

23rd: National Picnic Day

23rd: World Book Day

25th: National Telephone Day

27th: Denim Day

29th: International Dance Day

30th: National Honesty Day


6th: National Nurses Day

7th: World Password Day

9th: Mothers Day

21st: National Memo Day

21st: National Bike To Work Day

29th: Paperclip Day


4th: National Donut Day

5th: World Environment Day

6th: National Cancer Survivor’s Day

8th: World Oceans Day

8th: Best Friends Day

14th: National Flag Day

20th: Father’s Day

21st: National Selfie Day

21st: World Music Day

21st: International Yoga Day

27: National Sunglasses Day

30th: Social Media Day


7th: World Chocolate Day

17th: World Emoji Day

30th: International Day Of Friendship


2nd: National Colouring Book Day

8th: International Cat Day

9th: National Book Lovers Day

10th: National Lazy Day

13th: National Lefthanders Day

15th: National Relaxation Day

16th: National Tell A Joke Day

19th: World Photo Day

19th: World Humanitarian Day

20th: National Lemonade Day

26th: National Dog Day


4th: National Wildlife Day

6th: National Read A Book Day

8th: International Literacy Day

12: National Video Games Day

22nd: First day of Fall

27th: World Tourism Day

30th: National Podcast Day


1st: International Day Of Older Persons

1st: International Coffee Day

1st: World Vegetarian Day

1st: World Smile Day

2nd: International Day Of Nonviolence

4th: World Animal Day

5th: World Teachers Day

10th: World Mental Health Day

14th: World Sight Day

14th: National Dessert Day

15th: Global Handwashing Day

20th: World Statistics Day

31st: Halloween


1st: World Vegan Day

3rd: National Sandwich Day

13th: World Kindness Day

14th: World Diabetes Day

17th: International Students Day

19th: International Men’s Day

26th: National Cake Day


1st: World AIDs Day

25th: Christmas Day

26th: Boxing Day

31st: New Year’s Eve


Get In Touch!

If you’re looking for some guidance on creating your content calendar or looking for a team to run your organic & paid social media, get in touch with our team today! We can talk you through all things social and really help your business grow.