Round Up: Paid Social (June 2023)

It’s time for another round-up of all the best news and updates to come out of the world of social media marketing this month.

With the constant algorithm changes, new platforms, and updated features, it can be easy to fall behind if you’re not clued up on the latest changes in social media. Below we break down some of the key need-to-know information from over the past few weeks. 

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Key Updates from the World of Social Media in June

  • After months of testing, Instagram is rolling out the option for US users to download publicly posted Reels to their camera roll. This will give users a new way to share content, boosting brand awareness for both brands and creators. Although this is only available for US audiences for now, it’s likely to be rolled out to other countries in the future.
  • Twitter has announced that they are rolling out 25,000 character tweets for Twitter blue users, as well as the ability to add inline images to their long-form tweets. This will allow users to create blog-style content on the platform.
  • AI is making its way onto your LinkedIn feed. The platform announced that they are enabling users to create AI-generated posts. The feature will prompt you to ‘share your ideas’ and then it will suggest a draft post for you.
  • In other LinkedIn news, they announced this month that they are going to phase out a couple of popular features, Including carousel posts, profile videos, and its in-image linking option.
  • TikTok has announced that it’s retiring its BeReal-like feature ‘TikTok Now’. Launched in September 2022 to replicate the popular BeReal app, TikTok Now has since seen a drop off in users as the BeReal trend seems to be dying off. 
  • LinkedIn has updated its algorithm again. In short, the platform is now favouring ‘professional content’ from first-degree connections. This is a reaction to users reporting irrelevant and non-professional content flooding their feeds.
  • TikTok has launched interactive add-ons to its promotions to allow businesses to drive more engagement. Stickers, pop-ups, polls and quizzes will be just a few of the many options they’re rolling out.
  • Pinterest has started rolling out its new ad format, Premier Spotlight ads, to more advertisers. The ads essentially enable brands to own the Search tab in the app, with prominent video placement that takes up around 50% of the screen.
  • Meta has launched lots of new creative features in an attempt to get more creative talent on Facebook. The tools include Reels Templates, Analytics and an ‘Inspiration Hub’
  • TikTok is testing a new visual search option in its Shop tab. The feature will allow users to take a photo and search visual inventory based on the image.

Now You’re up to Date on All Things Social…

But as you know, the platforms are constantly changing and this time next month there’ll be even more to take in. So make sure you keep in the loop without monthly Round Ups for all things social media, PPC and SEO.

In the meantime, if you’re looking to work with an award-winning paid social team, why not get in touch? Hit the contact button below or call us on 0161 327 2635 or email [email protected].

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