Simple Tips To Help Improve Productivity, Physical & Mental Wellbeing

Most of us can all agree that we have those days or even weeks where our productivity levels just aren’t where we want them to be, or that we are just not having the best time in terms of our physical or mental wellbeing.

This is why I wanted to put together a list of tips, help, and advice in order to tackle these issues that can help make all our lives just that little bit better. While some solutions may sound easy written on paper, putting them into action can often be a challenge, hence why making small changes to your lifestyle could create a bigger impact overall. Take a look at what #TeamEmbryo does to increase their own productivity levels both in and outside of work and how they improve their own physical and mental well-being.

Jamie Beatty – Organic SEO Account Manager

  • I have recently started incorporating a lot more cardio into my routine and found doing a quick 20 minute run just before work has massively increased my concentration and energy levels throughout the day.
  • Eating and drinking well – As a society, we believe eating less is what we should be doing, however, you can still remain fit and healthy by eating more as long as you have that balance between consuming good and bad foods and the result of this will be increased energy levels as you are not going hungry throughout the day but also you are still indulging yourself from time to time.
  • Utilising your calendar – I am always using my calendar on my phone as a way of helping me to structure my day and plan ahead as this way, getting regular alerts and notifications helps to keep myself accountable when completing tasks because like Molly Mae once said, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

James W – Chief Innovation Officer

  • Don’t use social media.
  • Don’t care what anyone else thinks about you.
  • Work so hard that you don’t have time to think about what anyone else thinks about you.
  • But mainly realise that…most people don’t even think about you, as they are concerned with what’s going on in their own lives.
  • I’d also add that it also becomes much easier as you get older…something biological happens where you just don’t care as much about what people think of you

Kasey – Paid Social Graduate Executive

Tamara – Digital PR Strategist

Lauren – Content Executive

  • My mental well-being has improved LOADS since implementing proper ‘rest’ into my life, by taking time to properly switch off, even away from certain news cycles, social media, and any wider distractions. This lets me focus on regaining some brain capacity and allows me to properly recuperate. Humans weren’t originally built to process so much information, so giving myself some downtime to recentre is very helpful.

Grace – Digital Project Manager

  • This year I have started dieting as I want to start trying wedding dresses and I want to try and get to my goal dress size. I’m doing WeightWatchers and recently I’ve found it harder to stick to as work has been slightly busier than normal and all I want to do is eat chocolate. I’ve managed to keep myself on track because of motivation from my colleagues and because I have a specific goal I want to hit. This goal has helped me change the way I think about food and find healthier substitutes. Before I started my diet, I was eating what I wanted and when I wanted because I just couldn’t be bothered. However, now that I have a goal, I’m eating better which has actually given me more energy and I generally feel better in myself every day. Looking forward to the future is helping me be a better person now, as having a healthier body is important to me when I want to start trying for kids in a few years’ time.
  • I also recently re-read ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ and it’s helped me to see things in a different light.

Cicely – Operations Manager

  • I’m really enjoying the CALM sleep stories at night. I really struggle with switching off after work and I find that these are the only thing to distract my brain from thinking about everything to allow me to get to sleep.

George – PPC Account Manager

  • I personally set 5 or more goals for the year in my notes and pin them – Doesn’t matter how big or small.
  • Setting daily time limits on social media apps – Mainly for TikTok and Instagram.
  • For work I make a daily list between 8:45 am – 9:00 am as this helps me feel more productive when ticking them off.
  • Swapping fizzy drinks for water might sound silly but it has helped me a lot to increase my energy levels, sleep etc.
  • Go to the gym – I’ve always played football but going to the gym 3/4 times a week and using the sauna has benefitted me more than anything for sleep, motivation, productivity, etc.
  • Cooking – I cook a lot anyway but I bought a couple of cookbooks recently and I dedicate my Sunday to a food shop where I plan daily meals, which just makes eating a bit more exciting.
  • Planning weekend plans in the week such as coffee, lunch, and walks.
  • Early wake-ups

Danny – Data Scientist

  • In order to develop my skills and find out better ways of doing things, I like to start at my end goal and make a road map working backwards to my current skill level. When it’s broken down into steps it makes a daunting learning process much easier to tackle. It’s always good to set a realistic target and set timescales according to your broken-down chunks. The sense of accomplishment when you’ve achieved a goal is always the motivation to do more and to do better.

Charlotte – Account Director

  • Get outside! Fresh air and taking a lovely brisk walk make a world of difference. You never regret any time spent on a walk.
  • I do also have screentime limits and after a stressful day of working (which is always looking at a screen) I always like to avoid Netflix and instead have a bath and read a good book.

Megan Ritchie – Client Services Executive

  • A work-related one, mainly to improve productivity is to completely switch off from work during your lunch hour, and get outside where possible.
  • Make time to do something you enjoy every day – even if it’s just for 10 mins e.g. reading, meditation, working out, etc.

Nafisah – Content Executive

  • Taking an actual break and moving away from the place you are working  – Just moving away from your laptop or workspace for even 15 minutes does wonder for rejuvenation. If you feel at a dead end with your work, walk away and come back feeling refreshed.
  • Break down your day into morning and afternoon targets (I actually do this hourly but that’s a little bit extreme) and write them down so you can tick it off once it is done like you would a to-do list.
  • Schedule distraction time – If you are someone who gets distracted easily, then factor that time into your day. Give yourself five minutes of Instagram time or dedicate a part of your lunchtime to your distraction.
  • Book in meetings with yourself – In the same way, you would book in meetings for work schedules, instead, book in a weekly meeting with yourself. This can be a Friday evening for an hour which you block out to do anything you want to do for yourself. Read that book you have laying on your shelf or go for a walk, something you enjoy for yourself.