Stats that Show why your Brand Should be Utilising Digital PR

If you’re reading this blog post, you might be pondering over whether or not to dip your toes into the world of Digital PR, from a brand perspective.

There are multiple reasons why you could be considering the jump – you want to generate brand awareness, secure high-quality links back to your website to boost its authority, drive traffic to your homepage and key product pages, build your staff up as recognised and credible experts within your industry – the possibilities are endless (almost).

Buckle up, I’m about to share some key stats with you from various campaigns the Digital PR Team at Embryo have created for clients across different industries, to show you how you can do all of the above in different ways, the results that can be achieved, and why your brand should be utilising Digital PR.

First up, is the consumer-focused campaign we created for one of our clients in the toy retail industry

Who doesn’t love a little bit of Reactive PR? For those who don’t know, this is where PR experts remain fluid and flexible to working on opportunities that might shy away from any main strategy adopted. It could be that a new beauty hack is going viral on TikTok and one of your skin health experts can comment on it, or breaking news affecting your industry is revealed and you want to put a statement out with your thoughts and opinions, as a CEO, which journalists will value and want to share in their stories.

In this instance, a Reactive PR story was created for our client, who decided to launch new products in-line with the release of the highly-anticipated ‘Minions: The Rise of Gru’ film. We wrote an engaging story about the release of the toy company’s newly-released Minion-themed bundles, which were available on-site for a discounted price for a limited amount of time.

The campaign was released at the same time as the movie and shared information about the brand’s penny deal, which included a Minions toy for… just 1p! Links to this client’s website are key, and these stories contained lots – pointing readers to the client’s homepage, and the key product pages of all items mentioned.

Coverage: 170 pieces
Links to the client’s website and various product pages: 2,656
Publications: Placements in the likes of yahoo! News, yahoo! Movies, and hundreds of local and regional news websites (syndicated)
Total readership: 60.7M

Next, we have a health and data-led campaign which was created for a client in the diet and meal replacement industry

This campaign was based off of data we collected about all of the new, seasonal drink offerings from coffee chain favourites in the UK, such as Costa and Starbucks. We collated the sugar, fat and calorie contents of all of the drinks, and detailed which were best and worst for our health, in an interesting, news-worthy story that journalists couldn’t ignore.

We compared the worst offenders for sugar with popular treats such as jam doughnuts, so readers could really get to grips with how much was in each drink. We added expert commentary from our client’s nutritionist – as their aim is to be recognised as health experts within the industry. We gave readers valuable information about making better health choices and how too much sugar and fat can be damaging.

Coverage: 85 pieces
Links to the client’s website: 80
Publications: Placements on the likes of the Daily Star, MSN, and scores of local and regional news websites (syndicated)
Total readership: 994M

Here, we bring virtual reality and our client in the crypto business banking industry, together as one

As part of this innovative campaign, we created a metaverse land, in which we picked the most famous landmarks across the globe to feature. We showed people how little it would cost to visit their dream holiday destinations in one place in the metaverse, as opposed to real life, saving them thousands of pounds.

The virtual city included Niagara Falls, Chichén Itzá, the Great Wall of China, Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower – and more! We used our in-house data analyst to work out how much the city would be worth in Ethereum (ETH) and how much the owner of this virtual city could make, when people pay the micro-transaction fee of just £2, to visit.

Coverage: 85 pieces
Links to the client’s website: 12
Publications: Placements on the likes of EuroNews, yahoo! News and MSN
Total readership: 935M

In this campaign, we utilised exclusive data surrounding a hot topic in the press, to attribute to our client

Have you heard of a Freedom of Information request? If not, let me introduce you… Anyone can submit a set of questions to a public body to request data and information about various aspects relating to it – funding, crime stats, the number of people registered as having a certain health condition… the list goes on.

For a client in the electric bike industry, who was keen on championing safety for cyclists as a way to boost brand awareness and generate links back to their site from other high domain-authority sites, we submitted an FOI request to every police force in the country – requesting data about the number of road incidents between cyclists and drivers over the last three years.

This was a controversial topic, because back in January when we facilitated the campaign, the new changes to the Highway Code were about to come into effect – favouring cyclists. We received some shocking stats back from many police forces, and turned the data into multiple press releases for the national press (focusing on the London stats) and regional press releases, focusing on their relevant stats.

We included expert commentary from our client, as well as case studies from cyclists who had experienced hostility on the roads from drivers. We delved into whether or not drivers are seen as knowing the rules in the first place.

Coverage: 30 pieces
Links to the client’s website: 28
Publications: Placements on the likes of the Mail Online’s This is Money, Daily Express, LiverpoolEcho, CheshireLive and more
Total readership: 187M

In this campaign we used data from a survey which showed just how many Brits were stressed and overwhelmed at work

We facilitated a reputable survey for a client in the call handling industry, to 2,000 representative UK adults, to find out how many people were struggling at work – and more about their working life post peak pandemic. The survey contained lots of questions, but we honed in on the data which showed Brits were struggling mentally and physically at work (70%).

We shared expert tips from the client as well as HR experts, advising people how to deal with work-related anxiety, and tapped into the stats from different regions to create multiple press releases. The unique data sets allowed us to target a wide range of media outlets including HR publications, which was one of the client’s aims.

Coverage: 50 pieces
Links to the client’s website: 15
Publications: Placements on the likes of The Metro, MSN, and HR News
Total readership: 920M

Here, data and the UK’s love for our furry four-legged friends went hand-in-hand in an informative and important story

For a pet care brand, we sourced exclusive stats about the rise in the number of obese and overweight dogs in the UK – detailing which breeds were most likely to be overweight.

If you’re interested, at the time, Pugs were the dog breed most likely to be overweight, with three quarters categorised as obese by vets. More than two-thirds of Boxers were considered too heavy.

We coupled this, and more, with an informative Q&A from the experts answering some of readers’ most important questions on the topic, about things like portion control and how to know if their dog is too overweight – even if it might not seem like it.

Coverage: 34
Publications: Placements on the likes of the Daily Express, and dozens of regional and local placements (syndicated)
Total readership: 134M

If you’d like to find out more about how your brand in particular can utilise Digital PR with our help, get in touch with us today.