The Benefits of Writing, as a Writer

What are the benefits of writing?

It’s a loaded question and one that doesn’t necessarily have one set of specific answers; the benefits of writing are completely specific to each person and everybody will experience different things by getting into the habit of writing regularly.

However, for us writers, it’s a form of training.

Writing keeps us sharp. It keeps us developing. It makes us better at what we do.

And that’s why we love and hate writing (in the wrong situations), in rotation. But that’s an important point too; in order to enjoy writing for a living, you have to write things that you enjoy, and that might not always be the words that you’re being paid to write professionally.

Here at Embryo, we’ve got a huge passion for writing – the written word is the centrepiece of what we do. Words make our world go around and, pivotally, they’re vital to our success as a marketing agency in 2022.

If you want to learn a little more about the benefits of writing as a writer (spoiler: they’re not as obvious as you think), be sure to read on below!

Alternatively, you can get in touch with a member of our immensely talented team here at Embryo to find out how the power of our words can help you to grow your digital presence and increase your organic visibility in the long run. If that sounds good, just fill out our contact form or give us a quick call!

Iron sharpens iron, writing sharpens writers

There’s an old adage in The Bible that states, “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”, and this still rings true today.

Of course I’m not suggesting that you use an iron keyboard or anything, but what I am trying to say is that in the same way that iron sharpens when it’s worked against iron, writer’s writing becomes much sharper and cleaner when it’s worked on regularly and put to the test.

Basically, I’m trying to tell you to write more if you want to be a better, more battle-hardened writer.

I know that probably sounds a bit tedious. And it is. But don’t let that stop you – the more you write, the more you can experiment and the better you’ll get. Trust me.

Your extra writing doesn’t have to be anything strenuous either – it can just be something that’s new and a bit of a challenger. Remember, you won’t get any better if you aren’t pushing yourself, so try to step out of your comfort zone and see how it feels to write out there.

Reignite your passion for writing

But it’s not always easy to find the time or willpower to start writing more, especially if you’re writing all day, every day, as part of your job.

You’ll feel completely dry of words. 

And that’s because you aren’t enjoying it.

So it’s time to find a way to start bringing a bit of life into your writing, which can be done in a number of different ways. Writing for fun should be exactly that: fun! To ensure that you’re writing feels fun, you need to make sure it’s a topic you enjoy, a format that you’re comfortable using, and at a time that suits you. If you’re cramming your “fun” writing in between other important tasks, it’s going to feel more like a chore than anything else.

Right, so how do you utilise the benefits of writing?

Whilst I can’t speak for every person, I can speak for myself and these are the tricks that I’ve found help me get back into the groove of things when it comes to creative writing:

1. Try it out on LinkedIn – LinkedIn might not be your favourite place to scroll socially, but it’s a really useful tool for writers looking to regain their sparkle. Firstly, you get to talk as yourself. It’s all you. And that means you can talk about whatever you want to talk about.

Secondly, there is a character limit, but it’s not as restrictive as, say, Twitter. This means that you’ll still have to tailor your writing to fit a brief of sorts, but you won’t feel totally restricted as you would with Twitter’s 240 characters ceiling.

2. Make it something you care about – It’s easier to write when you have emotions about the topic, whether those are good or bad. So long as you feel connected to the topic in a way that evokes emotion, you’ll find it much easier to write about it.

The main thing to avoid is things that you feel indifferent about. If you don’t care about it, you won’t care about what you write either. And this works for nobody.

There is one way around those topics that you don’t have a connection to and that’s “make everything award winning”, but that’s a topic for another post…

Ask people to engage with your writing – Seeing how other people react to your writing is probably the best way to guage how good what you’ve written is, so ask for feedback, ask for input, and ask for comments. The more emotion your piece evokes, the better the content is!

The end goal is always to to try and influence behaviours when you’re writing content, so if you’re able to get a reaction, you’re definitely on the right track.

What are the benefits of writing for you?

Now for the big questions: What’s the benefit of being a good writer?

First and foremost, being a better writer will mean you’re better at your job and that’s a win for everyone involved. Your company, your clients, and yourself.

But that’s not all – when you’re a better writer, you start to find writing for a living to be a natural thing and you begin to enjoy your job more. And once this happens, you’re set. You’ll be flying through your work and getting great results, giving you a better work/life balance and a totally new outlook on the working day.

It takes effort to get there, but the rewards are absolutely brilliant.

So, sharpen those skills, feel the benefits of writing, and apply for one of our open content roles here at Embryo if you’d like to be a part of a truly special team of writers!